Monday, November 29, 2010

What Will It Take?

As Americans prepare for Christmas, they are still uncertain about the state of America, how we are going to survive, mentally, physically and financially should any terrorist attack take place. The government is taking every measure to make sure we are safe.

Many people are battling severe worry, fear and anxiety. Many have lost their jobs, homes, life savings, marriages are ending in divorces, people are dealing with illnesses and diseases like never before.

We all know there is a shift in the world, where everything that we were once accustomed to doing, will no longer suffice. The things we depended on will no longer be there for us. We will have to align ourselves with the only Power who can take care of all our burdens.

In order for America to survive, our only hope and solution is to completely rely on the Lord. He is going to be our only hope, our only refuge, and our only protection in these very trying times.

Statistics say that over 60% of Americans live from paycheck to paycheck. Under those conditions, one problem can send a person spiraling downward financially.

One lady wrote "she was taking 14 pills a day. Her husband has lost his job. They have two young children. How is this family going to maintain their home? Jobs are scarce; some do not have medical benefits. Each month they have to make a decision on how they are going to take care of their family and buy the medicine they need especially, if it is a tobacco-related disease. It’s hard. If I did not see this, I would not be able to write and share this with anyone.

States are going bankrupt. Everyone knows that tobacco is “toxic” and destroys lives to the point of death. The tobacco industry cannot continue to violate the very lives of people with their addictive products and not be held accountable. They must take care of their "loyal" customers. These are the customers they have nurtured over the years to the point where, they are now addicted to the nicotine which causes physical and psychological dependency. They are afflicted with tobacco-related diseases. In 8 out of 10 deaths, it is tobacco-related.

What will it take for our elected representatives to finally pass the "Tobacco Accountability Act?"

The "Tobacco Accountability Act" stated purpose, "the tobacco industry must be held accountable for tobacco-related diseases, provide medical screening, a health insurance benefits program and supplemental premium assistance for every smoker afflicted with a tobacco-related disease. They must subsidize all educational programs from elementary to college on the harmful effects of their products through smoking firsthand or from secondhand smoke."

Just imagine, if they took a portion of that 16 billion dollars they spend to lobby, market and target certain groups of Americans and provide a health insurance benefits program, just maybe those Americans can have a better chance at fighting those tobacco-related diseases. Why not?

What will it take for America to take the lead in addressing this issue, and finally say, "Enough is enough? We can no longer make excuses to what we know to be true. Tobacco has afflicted and destroyed families and lives to the point of death, in America. We can no longer tolerate and turn our backs on the obvious. The tobacco industry must pay their fair share in this health care reform initiative for Americans who have documented tobacco-related diseases."

Then God saw everything that He had made, and indeed it was very good. Genesis 1.31a.

For His Glory,

Valerie Foy

A seed for America.